Monday, March 24, 2014

The last two weeks via iPhone



 I spent the week of my due date waiting and wishing for this baby to arrive (and taking plenty of iPhone photos because I was "saving" my camera for the hospital). Fortunately, my bestie was in town and instead of twiddling our thumbs waiting for baby to make an appearance, we stayed busy and ran all over town with the kiddos. This kept me in good spirits because it gets tough at the end when your due date rolls around and there's no baby that day. Or the next day. Or the one after that. (Or the one after that!)
After coming home from the hospital, Joe was able to take a week off work and it has honestly been one of the sweetest weeks of my life. I didn't know how it would feel to make that transition from being a family of three to a family of four. Now that Rosemary has been here for nine days, I can't imagine life any other way. Sure, we are tired and our house isn't in amazing shape, but I'm feeling so very blessed right now.

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