Thursday, January 31, 2013

What's REALLY going on here

Hi all,

It's quite evident that I try to post the highlights of our life on this blog. The moments when we're smiling, showered, and mostly dressed. But even when we aren't having very composed moments, I still feel that being a stay-at-home mom's life is a pirate's life for me. (Meaning I like it.)

But sometimes, I feel like I could also write a parenting book called EVERYTHING I DO IS WRONG.

It would obviously be a funny book, with minimal self-deprecation. And most likely a best-seller.

But here's what's really happening around here as of late. (My final excuse is that it's winter, it's scary to drive outside, and we're a little stir-crazy.)

She is 21 months old and this is the progress we have made thus far with potty training:

I should probably get some kind of book pertaining to this subject. If I ask her if she wants to go potty she says "NOOOOOOO!" But she'll sit on it with the lid on and then flush it. Kind of positive, right?

This is also her current favorite food which she calls "Cha-cha" (chocolate). Joe gave me three bags of Lindt truffles on our date night that I wasn't intending to share. They were mine. MIIIIIINE!

Yep, that's her with a triumphant mouthful of chocolate. She says "PEAS!" (please) and then I split one in half with her.
And we don't just allow TV around here. She will actually watch most of a feature-length movie. Especially if it's The Little Mermaid. And I won't lie. I'll watch with her and I am usually just as mesmerized as she is. And I love hearing her say "Muh-maid." I do try to fast forward the Ursula parts. Because she's actually scarier than I remember.

So, that's how we be rollin' around these parts.

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